Encouragement for the World-Weary Manifestor

Overcome by Frustration and Doubt?
As above, so below. As within, so without. These are phrases that espouse the belief that we have so much more power than we realize, if only we would get things right on the inside, in our hearts and minds. But looking out at the world, we can see things that wrench our hearts and trouble our minds. Do we abandon ship on our hopes and dreams?
One of the primary criticisms of the New Thought (sometimes called Positive Thinking or New Age) philosophy on manifesting is that it is unrealistic. A positive attitude all the time is not only impossible but can be downright harmful when one tries to "put on the face" of positivity. This generally causes a burying of real emotions like frustration, doubt, anger, and depression only to find they bubble up to the surface later.
That criticism is spot on in this regard, but the critics and some people who only dare to play the surface game of 'name it and claim it' can fail to understand the deeper nuances of the science of mind. There is a Universal Mind, and we are all - every single one of us - part of it. We share its power, its presence, its knowledge, IF we choose to align and recognize that working only with ego is largely limiting.
In my case, a failure to know and understand these things caused me many heartaches throughout my life. I would abandon over and over the philosophies I have now come to re-embrace as sound. Now I know better, so I do better. It's all in the practice.
Experiencing Anger and Frustration
We've probably all heard the axiom, "Don't let the sun go down on your wrath," whether we attribute it to the Bible or simply a good philosophy for living. Typically, it is used with regard to married couples, as a way to help them from harboring an anger that can prolong and often worsen marital strife.
Of course, the application is good for any relationship, but there is so much more to it. It can be applied to the feelings you get when your wishes just don't seem to be coming true, when your prayers go seemingly unanswered.
Be angry, but (and) sin not. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath.
Eph 4:26
The first part of that verse is the part I don't recall being touted along with the admonition not to go to bed angry. It's saying quite literally, "be angry." Feel what you're feeling, but don't take it to bed with you. Metaphysically, it also means, don't push it into the darkness of your subconscious. Let it air out in the light of day or conscious awareness.
Be angry, but sin not. Don't miss the mark by failing to turn back to the Love and Light within you. Have your momentary feeling of frustration but don't let it have you.
Only four verses prior, Paul exhorts his audience to "be renewed" in the spirit of their minds. Experience your humanity and all the feels that come with it, but don't be like those who are not aligned (and aligning) with Love and Light.
Don't be so hard on yourself when you have a hard day. Simply realign your mind aligned with the abundance and prosperity all around you. Don't throw in the towel like I did so many times in my life. Good things are in store for you!
Can you believe it?
Doubt, Despair, and Depression
Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mar 9:24
In the 9th chapter of Mark, Jesus is addressing a man in the multitude who tells of his ill son who is perceived in all places to be in distress. The man had asked other disciples to heal the child (metaphysically, a child is the creation/desire one is working on), but they could not and now he has turned to Jesus for help.
Jesus is exasperated at the lack of faith after hearing that his disciples could not help, and states quite clearly that to any who believe (be it the disciples, or the father of the child), ALL things are possible. The Greek word for "all" means whatsoever, every, and everything, without distinction.
The father quickly replies with tears in his eyes, "I believe. Help me in my unbelief." In other words, "I see what you're saying; I can buy into it but help me bridge the gap. Help me to believe."
From the New Thought perspective, the father is being told that he can renew the spirit of creation within his own desire. Jesus - but as an example for us, not as an exception to us* - ends up removing the spirit of unhearing (deafness) and lack of expression (dumbness). Later, the disciples learn that through prayer (meditation) and fasting (focus on inner senses instead of outer senses), this feat can be performed by them.
If you are feeling doubt because what you are intending to manifest just isn't happening,
- Keep believing. Focus on a time in the past when you have successfully kept your eye on the prize.
- Ask for help in times of doubt. Ask and it shall be given.
- Pray. Continue to meditate on your achieved goal until it feels real. Then let it go and trust the Universe to deliver**.
- Fast. Ignore outer signs that look like roadblocks. Keep an eye out for detours, alternative paths, and miracles!
*New Thought holds that Jesus shows us the way, not for us to follow blindly, but to do what he has done. We have the same power to heal and do miracles. He said, "...the works that I do shall ye do also; and greater works than these shall ye do..." Jhn 14:12
**Yes, action is required on our part. If we would become a published author, for example, we must write, and we must allow it to become visible in some way, through social media, or publication submissions. But we do not need to manipulate things, nor do we need to expect that things only happen in a prescribed manner.
Back on Track
We can get back on the horse and get back on track with our hopes and dreams. All is not lost because you have had a rough time of things lately. Whether it's been an hour, a day, a week, or months at a time, you can realign and once again be working toward the life you desire.
What are you manifesting in your life? How is it going?
We are always manifesting, truth be told, so if what we have isn't what we want, we have to take a look at the processes and programming that is giving us the unwanted results.
♥ Runa
PS I am working on a really exciting project (book and coursework) for manifesting with the energies in the stars. You're going to love it. Stay tuned.
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