Full Moon Wishes and Aquarian Dreams

Image by sun jib from Pixabay

Happy Full Moon in Aquarius! 

And Happy Birthday to me! 

Today’s full moon is also a Blue Supermoon. According to NASA, that means that the moon will appear full for three days! Does that mean we can make wishes for three days on the full moon?

Wishes and intentions are thought to be the most powerful when made within six to eight hours of the pinnacle point of the moon’s phase, which in this case will be at 2:26 ET today. But, I happen to believe in the quantum where time collapses, so if you miss the window, just write your wishes and intentions AS IF you are looking through that time window.

Aquarian full moon

Aquarius is the sign associated with the collective, social issues, and dynamic change. Some say that this full moon will be one of explosive chaos due to the moon’s square to Uranus which is the planetary ruler of the sign of Aquarius. In Tarot correspondences, you could say that the Fool (Uranus) has taken a 90 degree turn away from the Star (Aquarius). This isn’t always a bad thing, although it may appear to be at first.

Everything created comes from chaos (the void) until it is ordered.

Full Moon Thanks

When it comes to manifesting with the Full Moon, we must remember that full moons are symbols of fruition and completion. This is the perfect time to give thanks for the blessings we have.

In actuality, there is another level of gratitude that is often ignored and that is gratitude for those things that are already on the way. It’s the TIA (Thanks in Advance) to the Universe. If you set intentions on the New Moon in Leo just over two weeks ago, you can give thanks for them now, AS IF they are already here.

Are you setting new intentions? Frame them with your TIA!

One of the primary keys to manifestation is trusting that the wishes are already fulfilled, either in the manner asked or “something better.” As long as there is no deviation from the wish, the Universe is bound to deliver.

Aquarian Wishes

Aquarius is all about innovation, community (albeit of individuals), freedom, collaboration, ecology, the universe, reform, breakthroughs, inspiration, and yes astronomy and astrology!  

Because the full moon is about completion, let us frame our intentions with gratitude, as if they are already here (or at least on the way)f. We’ll use Aquarian power words for more energetic alignment and impact.

(job) I am grateful that my work situation has experienced positive reform resulting in more favorable working conditions. Thank you so much!

(finances) Thank you for allowing me to give more fully to the causes I value, while also providing value to others that provide financial flow for me. I am grateful.

(healing) I am thankful that I have experienced a breakthrough with my attitude toward the foods that are better for my health. I am feeling so much better already!

(exotic trip) Thank you for providing the ways and means for me to make forward progress toward my global work study program in Mexico next summer. New avenues and possibilities are opening up to make this happen for me.

Now, try it for yourself.

Is Manifestation Magic?

Some would say yes, while many others would say no. There are medical doctors and neurologists who are studying the power of the mind, perhaps debunking the magic aspect while highlighting the scientific. I’ll likely expand on their insights in future writings.

But I believe in miracles, if not magic. Are they really all that different?

I believe that the mind is miraculous, and things happen that do not always follow the line of reason. Perhaps they’re not entirely impossible but only seem that way. I do know that a manifesting mindset opens my eyes to more possibilities while also expanding my gratitude to all the blessings of life, including those that come from mistakes, pain, and suffering. 

Manifesting doesn’t free me from the downs of life, only giving me the ups. That would actually be really boring. What it does is give me more power to handle it all and be graced by the higher power within me and all around me!

What do you think?

To your Moon Shots, and Lunar Landings!

❤ Runa