Let's Play!

There is a Sanskrit word, lila (leela), that means divine play. Stephen Nachmanovitch describes it as Love! Also the "play of creation, destruction, and re-creation, the folding and unfolding of the cosmos." It is a play that is "free and deep", "the play of God", the PLAY OF OUR SOULS!
Stephen Nachmanovitch on Lila
"There is an old Sanskrit word, lila (leela), which means play. Richer than our word [in English], it means divine play, the play of creation, destruction, and re-creation, the folding and unfolding of the cosmos. Lîla, free and deep, is both the delight and enjoyment of this moment and the play of God. It also means love.
Lîla may be the simplest thing there is—spontaneous, childish, disarming. But as we grow and experience the complexities of life, it may also be the most difficult and hard-won achievement imaginable, and its coming to fruition is a kind of homecoming to our true selves.
~Stephen Nachmanovitch, Free Play
Old Soul Alchemy is all about play! Divine play. Divine imagination. LOVE!
But to be clear, Alchemy is work as well, but we enter into this work with an open, playful spirit. Just don't be surprised if things aren't always confetti and flowers.
Like the girl in the image above, at Old Soul Alchemy we work with eyes open and eyes closed. We engage right brain and left brain. We engage our consciousness with our subconscious and superconscious. We join heaven and earth. ♥
With Old Soul Alchemy Imagery, I can teach you how to
- solve problems easier
- build skills faster
- boost memory retention and access
- gain insight into people, circumstances, and self
- improve intuition
- increase lucidity and awareness
- enhance dreams and dreamwork
- find more peace and joy in life
- release stress and emotional burdens
- make amazing breakthroughs, personally and professionally
- and more...
What can you do with Old Soul Alchemy?
Let's set a Play Date! Just a short conversation, a little getting to know you, Soul to Soul! ☺
30 minutes! GO!
♥ Runa