Hello Old Souls

Runa's Oracle
I am not who you think I am,
For as soon as you think you've seen me
I have changed,
and so have you.
~Runa Heilung
Hey there! This is just a little bit about my journey to this point. But for kicks and giggles, I think I'll go backwards.
July, 2023 I needed to switch my web presence from a self-hosted wordpress site so I could really let my creative juices flow. WP was just too much for little ol' me to manage, and I was considering Patreon, but Ghost has really given me exactly what I need to attract my tribe. (That's you! ☺I hope you'll subscribe and stick around ♥) I am also rebranding from Old Soul Archaeology to Old Soul Alchemy to kick things up a notch!
May, 2023 I began developing a practice and a program called DayLight Dreaming. It's REALLY cool and I can't wait to share A LOT more about it, but I have to lay some groundwork first. It's a natural progression from Old Soul Oracle.
Jan 2023 After a 2 year break from the web, I began updating my website to relaunch, but eee gads, I felt like that old Greek guy that had to push the rock up the hill every.single.morning! For eternity! I guess that means he still around, somewhere, but I did not want to take on that energy!
May 2021 Something broke, and it was me. I had some SEEEERIOUS healing to do, so I took the break, only maintaining the bare minimum so I didn't lose my web presence completely. I never thought it would last TWO LONG YEARS! But, doing a quick 360 view of my life, I am so glad I did.
Jan 2020 I began to develop Old Soul Oracle. It was born of a series of my alcohol ink paintings, many of which you'll see as you explore this site. The fluidity of the images allowed for a completely personalized oracle reading, one where no interpretation book was required. For those looking to go beyond the books and get into their own Inner Wisdom, Old Soul Oracle paved the way. I sold out of decks, so it just might be time to come out with a new edition.
Nov 2019 My hubby and I closed on a home in Arkansas. It has kind of been like living on another planet, but the landscape is beautiful (it's known as the Natural State), and it has allowed for my creative blossoming, and also my space for healing.
Aug 2019 Hubby and I left California and headed back to the Midwest. As a Kansas born girl, I longed for a simpler life, and while it can be had in California, it couldn't on our budget in the middle of a heavy fire danger zone. Goodbye Pollock Pines. We will miss ya.
Jun 2013 Hubby and I bought a place in Pollock Pines and moved out of Sacramento. We didn't marry until the following year, in a Viking Wedding Ceremony, but I think we belonged to each other from the first moment we met. My creative and Soul journey really took off as I began painting and playing music and crafting...things I hadn't done in decades.

Jun 2012 I met my hubby at a music event and wanted nothing to do with him. LOL. Actually I was in the process of healing after 17 years of a difficult marriage. I didn't want to have anything to do with any man. ☺ He patiently kept showing up at music events where I would MC or sing, and after 6 months I agreed to go on a date with him... on New Year's Eve 12/31/2012!! Of course, it couldn't be just any old day!
Aug 1972 I was born into a strict military and Catholic family. My survival mode was to be a rule follower, something that would stifle my creative energy and bubbly personality for years and years to come. I recognized early on my longing for a Soulful life, and I tried/failed to fulfill that longing by exploring other strict religious sects. Time and time again, I would despair. I needed to discover my very own Inner Old Soul and live by my own Inner Wisdom. I wouldn't even give this a half-hearted attempt for FORTY YEARS! And it would be over FIFTY YEARS before I was really ready to take the stage! Here I am now!!
My calling is to help and inspire others (hopefully before they are 40 and 50+ years old, but it's never too late) and lead them to their own Inner Wisdom through imagery and the imagination! I am looking for Seers, Dreamers, and Alchemists who are moved to transform their lives through my work.
To do this, I use a few tools, like Oracle cards (my own and those of others) and Tarot, but also dreamwork, journaling, quantum theory, astrology, and more!
Sit a spell with me once in a while, over a cup of tea, coffee, or magic elixir, and let's make MAGIC!
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