The Unreal vs the Untrue

Runa's Oracle ♥
“You're brave. You are the bravest person I know, and you are my friend. I don't care if you are imaginary.”
― Neil Gaiman
Inevitably, in imagery work, doubt and questions creep into the process, due to society's emphasis on what Silvia Hartmann calls "the hard", or the physical world. "Is this real?" "Isn't this just my imagination?" You see, imagery work, relies very heavily on the (conscious use of the) imagination and the "unseen."
In his book, The Uses of Enchantment, Bruno Bettelheim says that the child reading fairy tales "intuitively comprehends that although these stories are unreal, they are not untrue; that while what these stories tell about does not happen in fact, it must happen as inner experience and personal development...." Untrue in "the hard" doesn't mean unreal in the sense that it serves a deeper reality.
I say "deeper reality" in place of "inner reality" to encompass the layers or reality: the inner, the outer, the physical, the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, the subjective, the objective, etc.
The "unreal" has so much to do with how we as humans, and not just as children, learn to adapt and achieve an independent and healthy existence. Unfortunately, many of us missed the opportunity as children, largely because the interest and respect for the value of the imaginal has been missing from our culture and education.
Bettelheim says that fairy tales not only point the way to a better future, but they focus on the process of change. Of course, many fairy tales are focused specifically on what young children go through as they grow up. But many medical and psychology professionals hold that the imaginal is just as valuable for "children of all ages." In other words, just as valuable for you and me!
The Truth in Imagery Work
Proponents of imagery work, including medical professionals, sports professionals, entrepreneurs, and artists and coaches of all types, value the truth in the unreal that they experience in their visualizations. Studies have shown that our bodies and brains register what happens in our imaginations as being as real as if it were actually happening.
What is important for all of these people is the effectiveness of the work. While the imagination has for too long gotten a bad rap for being nonsensical and even wasteful of time, we'd be wiser to admit that we lose far more time and energy mindlessly scrolling social media than we do in imaginary world-building.
World-building, as it turns out, isn't just for gamers, and imagination isn't just for kids. You can use it to completely transform your life! The unreal, while not true "in real life," can help you to shapeshift into your best self, rehearse an endless variety of scenarios for relating to people, solving problems, reaching goals, and more!
In fact, you can literally Dream your Life Alive* using your imagination. The key is in the integration of any lessons you learn, inspirations and insights that you gain from very vivid imagery sessions.
Do you want to learn how to use the unreal to enhance and alter your life? Book a complimentary Soul to Soul with me!
♥ Runa
*Dreaming Life Alive is a Facebook Group for inspirational and FUN posts that shift your thinking! Come alive and join us!
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